To rummage or not to rummage?

I've always been a sucker for a bargain and it's no secret that I LOVE clothes. So when Penelope - genius founder of Frockcycle - invited to me join her and Paulina Palian - fabulous fashion designer - on a visit to a recycling warehouse I jumped at the chance. "Don't forget the gloves..." read Penny's last message.


We arrived in the blistering heat (yay Summer!) to be greeted by a spectacular sight - hundreds of clothes items drying in the sunshine.

Our mission was to find some fashion faux pas's for a Frockcycle event on Saturday 28th July. This exciting day is for anyone who wants help and inspiration to transform an beast of a garment into beautiful creation.

Chris Carey Collections is a family run business in South East London whose mission is to recycle unwanted clothes responsibly. Clothes are sorted in to sections according to value or condition by knowledgeable staff. Once signed in (it's worth calling first) you can take your pick then pay by kg or item, depending on the items, on departure.

So, gloves on and sporting a fetching neon vest (no pictorial MUST be joking!) The Frockcycle Three were ready to rummage!

Except for one thing... I had forgotten how truly rubbish I am at the rummaging part. Pun intended. You see I'm more of a 'Clothes in neat colour-coded rows on rails' kinda gal if I'm really honest. *Diva face*

So whilst the Dream Team Penny and Paulina filled their recyclable sacks with all sorts of fabulous finds, I leant more of a critical eye. I'm really good at that!

I DID find this over sized skirt though...

However I wear it as a vibrant top! I LOVE it!

Come along and have some fun at Frockcycle...or have a go yourself at home! Trust me - an afternoon trying your old clothes on backwards and upside down is the new shopping! (and with friends and wine - hey it's a party!)

What about you? Do you dive in regardless and rummage?

Are you a Diver... or a Diva?